What to do with all this snail poop!!!


I have been trying to siphon out the huge amount of snail poo that seems to be collecting from my 9 turbo snails, 4 nassarius snails and 2 astraea snails. I only have one hermit crab in there at the moment,a decorator sponge crab and one coral banded shrimp for my 90 gallon. It just seems to collect faster than I can get it out and the siphon tends to make a bigger mess of things. What will eat all this poo? Will hermits? Also only things that are reef safe!
It is as though I am housing elephants!



Copods, brittle stars, sand sifting gobies, certain worms that live in LR, certain types of snails. I would start with populateing the tank with copods, a brittle star and one or two gobies. I like dragon gobies and sleeper gobies the best.