What to do with Canister Filter


My fluval canister (404) came with a lot of carbon and ceramic thingies. I set up the thing with two chambers with carbon and two chambers with the ceramic thingies. It also has a big foam filter that the water goes through first. Anyone want to suggest the best/most efficient use of this canister filter? I have a prizm deluxe skimmer that I can run carbon in once a week or something like that. I probably don't need it in the canister now. Any ideas? Something to increase the biological filtration capacity?
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


It came with a little media basket that fits right in the skimmer. You just take off the collection cup and sit it down in the area where the water overflows back into the tank. Pretty nice design actually. Pretty much all of the water goes up through the carbon and out into the tank. This is the deluxe model that also has a surface skimmer attachment.