What to do with coral during Hypo?


Unfortunately I had a fish come in from the local fish store with ich. Looked completely healthy for a week prior to my purchase and was fine in my display for another week before ich developed and spread through my tank. I'm doing hyposalinity soon but I'm still confused as to what i should do with my corals... I dont have a spare tank they could go in. Could they stay on their piece of live rock and be kept in my friends tank? I'm worried that might spread the ich to his tank??? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
It would really be best to hypo the fish in a different tank. Hypo is gonna wipe out all living things in your tank, bacteria included. Except for bony fish that is.
It would be like starting that tank all over. Especially if your talking corals and all.


Well-Known Member
Move the corals and any other invertebrates to a rubbermaid tub fitted with a heater, powerhead and a light. Now, hypo the main tank. It isn't as bad on bacteria as you might think, but lr has lots of other organisms in it that will not survive, so you might want to remove most of the lr as well. Watch out for ammonium spikes and treat as necessary with water changes or chemicals.


Remove the rock as well. The only things left in the tank should be the fish and sand. Hypo will not kill your biological bacteria. Don't put anything from your display into your friends tank. You will risk contaminating his tank.


Alright thanks for the help guys. But once i put the rock back in aren't i then introducing the ich back into the tank?


Originally Posted by Reefboys
Alright thanks for the help guys. But once i put the rock back in aren't i then introducing the ich back into the tank?
No, hypo takes roughly five weeks. Any parasites on the rock will die, without a fish to host, in roughly three weeks.