What to do with filters in Wet/Dry


Active Member
I recently converted my FO to a Reef and I am slowly removing all the bioballs from the wet/dry to use it for a sump. I have already removed the large wet/dry sponge but was wondering should I remove the filter media from the filter tray. This thing catches a lot of gunk and I'm sure it breaks down and adds to my nitrates. If I let it pass through with no filtration, I'm thinking my protein skimmer should remove this stuff, but I'm not sure.
If anyone is using a wet/dry as a sump, what did you do? If I do remove the filter media from the tray, then the wet/dry will be a true sump with no fitration at all. It will just hold the return pump and the protein skimmer.
Tangman :)

dave flood

Good question , in my canister filter I put carbon in when I took out bio balls,but I really don't no if I need it Ill be watching for replys.


Active Member
I think you should leave in your filter floss. It will catch the larger pieces of junk floating around in your tank. Look at it like this. Will it hurt anything?


Active Member
I'm not sure that it does not hurt anything. I usually clean this filter every weekend and change it every month and it is real nasty when I clean it. This leads me to believe that it contributes to the nitrate as it breaks down over the week. If it passes immediately, I think the protein skimmer would take it out before it could break down. I may be wrong in that a protein skimmer may not be able to handle larger particles.


I'm reading Fenners book --- he thinks that some form of mechanical filtration is necessary, but points out that in a sump the detritus often falls to the bottom of the sump and sits there "filtered"
both of my LFS are using a couple of bioballs as mechanical filters --- maybe rock rubble would be the best?
Ive got the same thing going on as you do...I dont have and floss or bioballs - but I did leave in the sponge...for now. I kicked up a dustcloud the other day and a lot of it settled to the bottom of my sump.