What to do with SEA Water from the lfs


Do I have to do anything to it? Do I have to prep it in any way before I put it in my tank? Any Advice? :notsure:


You think that the sea water that the pet store sells might be loaded with fish disease? they don't filter it some how? I've done a 10% change every two weeks with sea water bought from my fish store, and I thought it was OK to do so until I spoke with someone and they told me that it wasn't a good idea to do this, but didn't really give my a good reason why.


I think ballyhoo is buying water from the lfs.. some sell it by the gallon.. btw ballyhoo how much is your lfs selling it to you for?


I also use sea water from the lfs and have had success with it. It sells for $9.99 per 4.4 gallons.


Active Member
I think there is confusion:
- There is premixed salt water from the LFS (still synthetic but not from their fish systems, either): use a heater, and adjust salinity etc to your tank
- Many are now selling actual sea water in gallons - use a heater, and may need to adjust salinity, etc to your tank
- Then there is the water from an animal purchase - properly acclimate animal and dispose of water. Do not add to tank.


My lfs sells sea water by the gal for .50 which is pretty cheap I think, well then again I do live in Miami
But I've been told that it is better to buy RO and salt then mix it my self so I always know what kind of water I have. The true question here is should I go through the trouble of mixing it my self or just buying sea water by the gal from my lfs, since the sea water is only .5 cents more than RO.


Active Member
Well if you tank is fish only, i just put the stuff my LFS makes right in and my tank has been well and stable for over 2 years now. they can adjust the salinity for me if needed, but its usually correct. its $1 a gallon here in IL. For reef tanks certain Reef Salt mixes are better and in that case you may want to add something to the water b4 you add it to your tank


Active Member
i dont know about u guyz but for me as is... well my tank and i anyhow.. i much ratehr mix my own ro/di water... why?? well... i do a 45 gallon WC every mounth.. and 8 lbs a gallon... thats a lot of mucles i will be using if i bought sea water from the lfs.. no tto mention the my house has front steps which adds to the fun.. so i rather mix my own ro/di water in the 2 trascans..(yes there clean and only used for my tank) and pump the water into mu system...


Active Member
Do you have a Wal Mart near you? Or some place that offers a drinking water machine? I know that the Wal Mart near me has a drinking water maching that actually has RO water. That's where I'm at every week for changes and top offs on my 37gal. I noticed in your profile that you have a 30 gal, very doable IF you have a machine in the vicinity. I just feel better mixing my own water to the SG that I need, but then I'm probably more concerned (anal) about my tank than a lot of people :rolleyes:
By the way, I'm getting RO water from my Wal Mart for .33 a gal...not a bad deal if you ask me...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Yeah, I believe they're only at the Super Centers. But I've heard that many grocery stores have drinking water machines as well. You could check that option out.
Lisa :happyfish


I do have a walmart close by, But I get my RO from my lfs for .45 which is not much difference. I've been told by a couple of friends (that are also in the hobby) that the water from those machines at walmart and publix etc.. arent the best source for water. The water that comes from those machines still contains metals and minerals due to the fact that those machines aren't serviced often enough. This may be not true for all locations but how do you know which one is and which one isn't ? :thinking:


The water machine I use is the windmill machines.....25 cents a gallon...and they check it everyday...or at least someone goes by and signs their name anyway...They occasionally have a water party, and open the machine up so you can inspect their ro units and even give free tokens...I have a bout 300 gallons of saltwater in my tanks and find the 5 gal drinking jugs work fine...I have 10 of them....lasts about a week