what to do with this tank


hey guys, i have had this 125 gallon tank set up for about 2 years now. i have a naso tang, yellow tang, panther grouper (he will be moving to a bigger tank when he gets a little bigger) a bunch of hermit crabs, fireshrimp, carpet anemone, purple lobster. i wanted to make this a reef tank. can you look at these pics and help me to make this tank look a little better.the pics are not the best in the world. oh, i have 2 vho lights in there now. i forget wich ones. thanks again


i would like it to be a reef tank. i was having lot of problems with my water quality. i was getting high amounts of phosphate. i have since got a reverse osmosis system. that seems to help some, but i am still getting diatom buildup on the glass. is this normal. thanks


I'm still new to SW, but I know diatoms happen toward the end of a cycle. Since your tanks been around for a while, I'm sure that's not what's causing it.
If you're going with reef, you might want to add some more LR. Also maybe others here can help you with the fish you have and let you know if they are reef safe or not.


Because I am in the same boat as you (looking to upgrade to reef) you need to list what equipment you are currently running (ie skimmers, pumps, lights, heaters ect) and what type of fuge/sump (if any) you have. This will help others get info to you faster.


i have power heads (2 powersweep 270gph, and a aquaclear 802, 400 gph), aquaclear wet/dry filter. no skimmer, 2 72in. vho lights, one is 50/50 and the other is actinic white. the heater i have is rena cal. i really dont remember the wattage, but it keeps the temp at 79 degrees. i think that is it


Active Member
You will need better lighting, upgrade to halides, and more turnover in your tank for starters.


You might have silicates in your water. Diatoms need them and RO systems don't remove them from the water that takes DI or something like Rowaphos (which is mainly for phosphate removal, but also removes silicates and arsenic).