what to do with x-mas $$$


I have some extra x-mas cash and though I'd buy my fish some gifts. I have a 30 gallon with 2 hang on power filters, a berlin air-lift protein skimmer,2 powerheads and 245 watts of lighting.
I'd like to buy something(s) that makes the water quality/environment better for the fish, corals, and inverts (i.e. something that will better aid in the reduction of natural pollutants such as nitrate and ammonia or just make the setup better and more effective).
Any suggestions. I've got 200 bucks to spend.
[ December 14, 2001: Message edited by: JustinL ]


Active Member
How about a new skimmer? I had an airlift for a year or two, and once I got a venturi I was amazed how much easier it was to operate, and how much more gunk it removed.
[ December 15, 2001: Message edited by: Adrian ]


Active Member
Do you have a sump ?
Great place to put your skimmer, heater, do water changes and the overflow will do a good job removing surface scum.
A good skimmer is also a good idea as mentioned.


I would say a sump if you don't have one. I am investing money in one in the near future for my new 65 gallon tank. :p


Active Member
I think you should take that money and donate it to the make a Wamp's Reef Better program. I will take that money and invest it wisely in a XL maxima clam which would be a good investment on your part. Reasons:
1. for just pennies a day you can help a starving reef
2. for a one time investment of, how much did you have again?, you can buy a man a clam
3. i am a non-profit person
4. Im just too lasy to get a better job
5. I will send you a pic every month of the clam your helping grow into an even bigger clam.
Thank you


Active Member
How about a bigger tank. Use the old one as a refugium w/ a DSB and macro.
1) the bigger the more stable
2) A DSB will help water quality
3) macros will help w/ nutrient export
4) Fish and corels have more room


Active Member
what about a refugium, or turning your 30 into one for a bigger tank? with the refugium you also gain the added benefit of more nutrient export as well as growing food for any algaevores you may have and breeding pods for your other fish, pods are great food and cleaners