What to do!



hi there,
Well everything with our 29 Gallon Biocube is going great....we do have one concern. Twice in the last week we have woke to find one of our clown fish missing. The first time was on Wednesday and we found our little "Marlin" lying on the top of the area where our live rock is...needless to say, without sufficant water he was dead. Then this morning I yet again found that one of our clowns was gone. This time however "Nemo" was down in the area where the water pump is...he did have water to swim in and I managed to scoop him out, he is fine. What can be done about this.......I just don't want to loose anyone for venturing in to the deep dark depths beyond.


Active Member
You can try to block off the back chambers, I tried to, but I was unsuccessful. They still seemed to slip through the smallest cracks some how so I gave up and just let it open.
One of my clowns has jumped in the back three times in the year and a half I have had him and my yellow watchman goby has made four trips back there and the sixline wrasse has jumped back there once. All have lived to tell the tale.
I think everyone has learned their lesson except for the yellow watchman goby; he is a little slow.


:hilarious I have a firefish goby and he was missing for a week. I thought my damsel killed him so I returned him back to my LFS. That weekend I walk by my tank and saw him swimming around. :notsure: He jumps in the back from time to time.


i took a 5/8 inch clear tube (had it laying around from a water siphon) cut it lengthwise and slip it over the partition, you will probably need to cut it into 3 lengths to fit the 3 sections....my clown has still jumped over it but only once. if the filter is dirty the water level in the front rises and helps him over. so keep the filter clean...i have to rinse it daily. and it might help that he has hosted my torch coral

hope this helps


New Member
Some people have had success using a piece of plastic from the back of an All-Glass 'Versa Top' (the back piece of plastic that goes on the back of a glass top). Cut it to length(s) and trim down the height...
I had this happen to me with a bi-color dotty back twice...let me see if I can find the thread where I posted pictures on my fix.


Active Member
same thing happend to one of my true clowns..he wasing missing .looked everywhere in the tank for him and finaly found in the overflow area..got him back in the DT and everything is going great now..never happend agian..or not yet.....