What to do???????????


Active Member
I tore my tank down in Jan. and I have about 100 punds of live sand that has been sitting in stagnent salt water. Don't want to get rid of the sand, but I need to break the tank down.... What should I do with it??????


Im assuming you want to keep it for reuse at a later date.
There is no way to keep it 'live' other than using it, so your option is to simply dry the sand, then bag it or use one, or more, of those big plastic tubs with tops on them to store it and transport it. You will want to clean it first, before drying and packing. Just drain it, refill with fresh water, drain it again, then take handfuls and lay it out to dry where it wont be disturbed for a while.
Have fun!
Drain all the water you can out of it and put it in a couple of buckets. Then sell it as dead sand. Then whoever buys it can rinse it. Around where I live it is ( .50/pound). It makes a great base and then just mix some live sand in with it when the tank is started.