You all are bad influences... this site is a bad influence. You need to be bent over someone's knee and spanked.
I may be changing directions. I have almost talked myself out of using my 52g.
I am now thinking I want a real showcase tank in the living room that mimics a slice of ocean life. I want some fish, and inverts, and coral waving in the current. The problem is all the additional $$$$'s it is going to take for me to get it. It will require buying a new tank (prolly either a 75 or 90ish), extra sand, rock, and lord only know's what else. Because of this it may take even longer to get it up and running. I will also have to reinforce the floor for the extra weight (even more $$$'s).
Since I really want to get a tank started I think I will go with "plan B" and work my way up to the large living room tank.
"Plan B"
Set up my 45g cube in my office. This tank is about 2' x 2' x 2' . Since it's not drilled I will run a HOB filtration system without the bio wheels. (may see if I can get 2 filters back there).
Then I'll stock it with either option 1 or 2
Option 1
species tank with a CUC and a Snowflake Eel.
Option 2
3 Blue Reef Chromis
1 or 2 Clowns (same species)
CUC with shrimp and starfish
and if I have the room either a Fire Angel or Lemonpeel Angel.
What are your thoughts?