what to feed a blue hippo tang?


i bought myself a blue hippo tang a month ago and it is doing great thus far. i am very surprised it doesn't have ick because i know they are very prone to it. it was about the size of a dime when i got it and now it is the size of a half dollar. it's growing faster than i thought it would. my question is what do i feed it because i have been doing some reading on these guys before i even bought them and everytime i read a new article on them it tells me to feed them totally different things. i have been feeding him formula 2 flake, nori aka seaweed, and mysis. one article said feed meaty products, the other said lots of veggies and yet another said a mixture of the two. just want to know what the best diet for my tang would be.


I feed mine a mixture of the two & shes thriving
She loves shrimp & seaweed, she'll eat just about anything. I think what your feeding will do just fine. I add vitamines to my fish food along with soaking in garlick just to keep them healthy, & its worked for me!!!!


yeah i feed mines a mixture as well. green and purple dried seaweed, frozen mysis, squid, emerald entree, marine cuisine, and some pellet food. i soak all my frozens in vitamins before feeding. just keep doing what your doing as it sounds like he is thriving.


Originally Posted by nolatrav
yeah i feed mines a mixture as well. green and purple dried seaweed, frozen mysis, squid, emerald entree, marine cuisine, and some pellet food. i soak all my frozens in vitamins before feeding. just keep doing what your doing as it sounds like he is thriving.

Variety is the key. What sized tank do you have?


Originally Posted by anthropo
i bought myself a blue hippo tang a month ago and it is doing great thus far. i am very surprised it doesn't have ick because i know they are very prone to it. it was about the size of a dime when i got it and now it is the size of a half dollar. it's growing faster than i thought it would. my question is what do i feed it because i have been doing some reading on these guys before i even bought them and everytime i read a new article on them it tells me to feed them totally different things. i have been feeding him formula 2 flake, nori aka seaweed, and mysis. one article said feed meaty products, the other said lots of veggies and yet another said a mixture of the two. just want to know what the best diet for my tang would be.
What sized tank is this? You should be feeding a wide variety of foods. Frozen formula 2 is centered around herbivores. There is also, Julian Sprug's sea veggies, Angel formulas, and the Nori. Be sure to offer a variety of foods.


Originally Posted by N_Jones
God forbid you have a Tang in a smaller tank........ It's just getting funny now......

Why is it funny?


It's funny because it seems (in the short time I've been reading here) that their are only 2 topics worth discussing...... When people have a Tang in what is considered too small a tank, and if people aren't using MH lights.........