What To Feed A Coral Beauty??


I just purchased a coral beauty 4 days ago. He seems to be doing well. He swims throughout the live rock and appears to peck at it. I have tried feeding him frozen brine, spirulina flakes, blood worms, and flakes, but he doesn't seem too interested in any of them. Should I be concerned? What have you found that your coral beauties like to eat? Thanks.


They really like foods with sponge in it. You can get frozen "Angel" food at your lfs. Try it...he'll be eating like a horse in no time.


I have found that my CB seems to enjoy a varied diet consisting of Tetra's Nature's Delica Brine Shrimp (all my fish really, really like this for some reason and will fight over it), Spirlina Flakes, Various Flakes, and seaweed salad.


My flame angel also likes that frozen Angel food. I am surprised your coral beauty does not eat brine though.


OLSENJB, I too was worried when my coral beauty would not eat at first although he did pick at the live rock. Then he went through a stage where he would attempt to eat but would miss the food! Finally after about a week he started eating brine shrimp and the frozen angel cube food. Dont worry and good luck!

aquarius 1

When I first bought my Coral Beauty he wouldn't eat anything. It took him about a week to get the hang of things before he got into the flake food routine. I now feed him both regular and formula one flakes as he readily accepts them. But, still to this day he's never touched a brine shrimp, a bloodworm, a seaweed select, frozen angelfish formula or a spirulina wafer so I have to soak flakes in selcon once or twice a week. Give the fish a little time and hopefully he'll get the hang of things.


Active Member
Just to add, I have to agree, I posted the same question months ago

it took 4-6 days before I actually seen the CB eat.