What to feed a finicky fish


Brought home a percula clown about 5 days ago and haven't had any success feeding him. I've tried different foods: flake, mysis, brine, tubifex worms. Even tried dousing them with garlic. He just swims up to the food, looks like he sniffs them and then swims away. He shares his space with 3 cardinal fish. There seems to be no harassment. Should I just wait it out or is there a way to get him to eat.


Make sure that the food your trying to feed him is small enough for him to eat. Sometimes if it is to big they don't even have interest in eating it


Active Member
Most fish have a short break in period where they will not eat. I would start to get worried when this behavior persists past a week.

small reef

I agree, once you get to a week without eating, you may just have to pry its mouth open and....just kidding, but you may try adding the food near a powerhead to make it move in the water...sometimes you can trick the fish into thinking the food is still alive. Good Luck!


Hey Frink!
I actually posted a similar question a couple of weeks ago. I tried making the food smaller in response to a post. I use Formula 1 and 2 and soak the cubes in garlic juice. (Yes! I found a store that carries it! Much less expensive than the elixer!) After defrosting the cubes I've always smooched the food to make it smaller.
After reading I should make the food smaller, I tried adding some tank or RO and smooching with a spoon. This helped to dissolve the food more. Now the food particles are very small and very attractive to my finicky clown. <smile>