What to feed a Peppermint Shrimp


We just added a Peppermint Shrimp to the 2.5g nano tank. The hope was that it would eat detrius off the sand and rocks. So far no good. Hopefully it will do that when it feels more comfortable. But in the meantime what and how do we feed it? I have some shrimp pellets that the ghost shrimps and crawfish in the freshwater tanks love. Would this suffice? Any suggestions on how to keep this cool lil bugger thriving would be great.
Also.. we had a stowaway on some liverock and now have a TINY brittlestar wandering the tank. Weve only seen him once, but he is very cool. What is the best way to leave food out and about for him? We dont see him out so directly dropping food to him is out.


Sweet thanks! I was hoping it would be fairly easy :) I also have some Invertibrate banquet. I could try that as well i guess then. The crawfish love that stuff.


New Member
we have both of those specimens and they both eat regular flake food. Can't get any easier than that!


Active Member
i used shrimp pellets. i just put three or four around the tank and over night they were gone. I"m sure some of that was by the other fish but i witnessed the shrimp pigging out a couple of times.