what to feed bi color blenny


just got a bicolor blenny do i need to feed it just seaweed selects and other herbivore flake foor or is it ok to feed it formula one


Mine eats formula one, but prefers formula two. Mostly he just picks at the live rock. One of my favorite fish.


yeha he seems cool hes just still shy right now if i look back from my comp ill see him swim around but as soo as i get up or anything else he darts back to his lil whole its hard to believe how small of a space these guys can hide in


I got one the other day aswell. He is the coolest little fish. I love it when he wiggles into his hole. I Am also have trouble feeding him, I have to see how he goes.


These guys really love to eat Acropora. Only certain kind though. Mine ate anything i put in the tank, mysis, brine, flakes, formula 1 and 2 and freeze dried krill. When i decided to move my acros from my 26 to the big tank he started eating them also. 5 hours later i finally cought him and put him in the QT. If you have any hair algae that is trimmed back he will pick at it all day long.


he at some red algae i put in there and some formula 2 not much but a bit he is still spooky hope he will get alittle braver and sty out when i walk into the room
AH, the Blennies. Wonderfull fish.
If he has just been aquired fear not. He will adjust. However, this might take a couple of weeks, depending on who his tank mates are. They are shy and retiring fish, but will stay active once they feel "safe". But again, if there is anything in the tank he is leary of, he will probably stay out of sight. This said, it will be agressive towards its own kind, and smaller bottom dwelling species. (Examples are gobies and firefishes.)
It is important that they are fed vegatable matter, such as frozen foods that contain the blue green algae Spirulina. I speak directly to the needs of bi-colors.
They are most fun! Enjoy!


i have good experience with bi colors to. u dont have to feed them much on accout of they eat EVERYTHING that grows on the glass of the tank. also, when i had a young black angel i bought some "julian spring's sea veggies" green seaweed, being that the angel was a picky eater. i also bought the algea clip. i followed the directions and put the proper amount on the clip. the blenny went nutts over it. its blenny nipp for sure. unfortunatly my banded shrimp killed my blenny. good luck with yours, they are a great addition to any tank.


only tank mates right now are a cleaner shrimp a margarita snail some hermits and a getting large 4legged green brittle star that i might find a new home for so i can get a smaller one but the bleeny been chasing the start out of whereve he is at. ive been feeding him formula two with garlic and zoe added and droping in a rock with some red algae seaweedselects on it with a rubberband every few days ill pick up some green next time in at the pet store


sounds good to me. he should do just fine. try getting what i told you. if he doesn't eat it, then bring the food back to the store, or keep it when you get an angel, tang, or parrot fish, they love the stuff too.


Mine eats formula 1,2, mysis shrimp and seaweed selects. When you feed them the frozen food make sure that it is either completely thawed or Very small pieces because they don't chew.