What to feed fuzzy dwarf


I just bought a fuzzy dwarf lion. i was wondering what frozen food i should feed it. I've been feeding it ghost shrimp and live brine. And it Ive tried frozen krill and brine. It wont eat that either


Active Member
Originally Posted by funkysean5
I just bought a fuzzy dwarf lion. i was wondering what frozen food i should feed it. I've been feeding it ghost shrimp and live brine.And it wont eat Frozen krill or brine.

It won't eat anything else as long as its getting live food. Cut out the live food for 2-3 days and offer some frozen mysiss. If he's big enough; small chunks of fresh shrimp or silversides should work. Use a piece of rigid airline tubing, tapered at one end to make a feeding stick. Try to make a piece of food look alive with the stick and he'll take it sooner or later. If he's real small, putting the frozen mysiss in an are of water flow helps; if the food is moving, it looks alive. A healthy lion can go quite a while without eating; and they often do while being weaned onto frozen food.


I had one a while back and it took months to ween him off live food. I kinda like watching him hunt down the ghost shrimp though it was way cool. the live food also has more nutrients in it also.


yea i love mine i just put a sally light foot crab in and its about the size of my fuzzy dwarf and as soon as i dropped the crab he tried taking a bite of the crab didnt hurt the crab but i thought it was funny


Both of my dwarf lions took several weeks to ween. I used krill and directed it into the flow from the power head. If you are feeding your lion ghost shrimp now, be sure to gut load the shrimp. Feed the shrimp nutritious, vitamin soaked, foods prior to the lion eating them. The lion will get more nutrition that way. Only feed him the shrimp once in awhile, just to get food into him while you are weening him.


Here is a trick that worked great with both my lions. I took a Guppy(please no flames this was a way to wean that worked) and put it on a feeder stick while it was alive. The lion immediately took it. I then put a silverside and waved it around in front of him. Same response. After that I was able to convert pretty easily to frozen. Good luck!!


New Member
leftyblite + 1
I did the same but with feeder shrimp and hand held. I shook them on the surface and up came leo. Did this for a day or two until she came running (swimming) when she saw me. Then I swopped the live feeders for cut up seafood (scallops, shrimp, and clams). She ate everything right away. She's now almost totally on Rod's Food....fed the same way. Had her a month now and LOVE her.