My CB doesn't really eat like my other fish. The fact is I never see him eat at all. Except pecking on the rock. I feed him frozen angel food. Should I feed something else. He appears to look fine, but he makes me nervous.
CB i assume is a coral beauty.
Most cb's are grazers of sorts and will pick at rocks all day long (IMO they will not get all the nutritien they require from this practice) Try soaking your current food in a little garlic it sometimes coaxes even the most finiky eaters. If that doesnt work then try Omega flakes or some kind of seafood mix.
My apologies. I've only seen the CB used with Coral Beauties. My bad.
Yes it's a Coral Beauty. Omega Flakes huh? Hmm I'll try what ever. I feed Brine, Mysis, and Angel Food mix.
Any other suggestions to consider?
Thanks again.