what to feed my fish?


What should I feed my 2 clowns and lawn mower blennie?
I am currently feeding my clown flakes. What else should I supplement their diet with and how often?
I am currently not feeding my lawn mower blennie at all,. Hes just grazing around on my 60 pounds of LR. Should I occasionaly give him something to eat?


I know for my clowns they really love the FormulaOne frozen foods. they are the first to get it and they seem very happy. I don't know about your lawnmower. sorry.


which formula one frozen food is it in particular?
and how often do you feed them this frozen food?


Active Member
my clown prefers flakes over frozen or live foods. i guess he thinks his anenome prefers it also as he takes as much flakes as he can over to it. the anen will eat up anything though. i use flake and frozen alternately, sometimes if i'm poor a week i'll use shredded cocktail shrimp. with my tanks variation seems to be the key. oh and i've never seen my blenny eat anything but detrious off the lr.


New Member
All I feed my fish is Frozen Brine shrimp and they love it. All my fish, even the Lawnmower will eat some. Thats my two Cents, hope it helps.


OK so everyone agrees then that variation is the key?
I take it that they won't do very well off just flakes?
If I am going to buy frozen food, any particular you recommend and how often?


Active Member
I make my own. Lots of fresh seafood. I heard brine shrimp should only be given as a treat though, no nutrietinal value to it. I do give some flake for the algae eaters.


Originally Posted by puffer32
I make my own. Lots of fresh seafood.
Yah, that's what I'm going to do when I finally get my fish. Think its a whole lot better to feed them fish instead of the freeze dried flake stuff.


I just got some live brine shrimp for my green madrin ( i splet that wrong) and the brine didn't even make it to the bottom beofre my 2 clowns and firefish ate them all! :jumping:


Active Member
Feed them everything you can.. and mix it up a lot!
I do my feedings something like this -
Every day and a couple times a day-
*Either a type of algae flake or meaty flakes. (alternate)
*cyclop-eeze (visit their website.. this stuff is amazing)
*maybe a sinking shrimp pellet or other sinking food.
Then maybe once every 2 to 3 days give them -
*frozen brine/frozen cyclop-eeze/etc
Once a week give them something live to chase after.. live brine etc.
Your clowns will love you and will leave the anemone and swim to the top of the tank every time they see your figure walk up to the tank :p
As far as the sailfin algae blenny he should do fine with the algae from your rocks.. assuming you have enough for him. If not maybe he would take some algae flakes or the algae selects you can purchase at fish stores. Though im not sure if he'll enjoy these as much as the real thing.


Active Member
A half cube of frozen mysis shrimp and a sliver of frozen cyclopeeze (bar). I feed them once every other day,they love the stuff. :D