What to feed my fish.


Here si the fish list for the 125g tnak(not cycled)
Yellow Tang(1)
Blue Hippo tang(1)
Lawnmower Blenny(1)
Purple Firefish(3 or 5)
Shrimp Goby(1 along with the pistol shrimp)
Flame angelfish(1) (also wondering if i can put a coral beauty in with it)
Golden wrasse(1)
Red-spot Hawkfish(1)
all i under-stand is to put nori sheets with it. Also i know i need a variety so what other foods should i get and which fish are they for.


Well-Known Member
If you really mean that the tank is not cycled, then the best thing you can give your fish is a ride back to the lfs where they might have a chance to survive. Otherwise, a box would be good. You also might make a reservation at a good fish hospital for whichever of your tangs survives the inevitable fight. I think the least of your worries is what to feed the fish - your biggest concern should be getting the tank cycled and better fish selection. Then, feed the fish.


Active Member
Are you sure that is what Beatlesfan meant? It sounds like they might just be giving a list of what fish they're going to get once the tank is set up and they want to know ahead of time what to feed.


feed them as many different things as possible. Be sure those foods have sea food base. Spectum+A is an excellent choice. Every fish loves it. Sheet algae, Frozen mysis shrimps, brine shrimp, flake.....alternate them everyday.


I thought you could have more then one kind of Tang as long as they weren't colored similarly. Isn't it the Angels you can't mix?


Originally Posted by GeriDoc
If you really mean that the tank is not cycled, then the best thing you can give your fish is a ride back to the lfs where they might have a chance to survive. Otherwise, a box would be good. You also might make a reservation at a good fish hospital for whichever of your tangs survives the inevitable fight. I think the least of your worries is what to feed the fish - your biggest concern should be getting the tank cycled and better fish selection. Then, feed the fish.

:hilarious i havent bought ANYTHING!