What to feed my fish?

I am really new to this, so I am still trying to figure things out. Maybe a few of you could offer some advice.
I have a 29 gal with live sand and about 40lbs of rock, half live and half not. In my tank live 1 snail (other 3 were killed or died yesterday), 2 hermits, 2 fiddlers, a green chromis, a clown, a lawnmower blenny, and a sea hare.
The fish went in about 4 weeks ago. I have been feeding the clown and the chromis a pinch of flake food every day. I drop in a bit of nori every other day for the blenny and the sea hare.
What else should I be offering them? Will they starve with my present menu?
Appreciate your input.

sinner's girl

feed some meaty foods, frozen brine shrimp will work well. My clown love bloodworms. Some people buy fresh seafood, mix it up, freeze it and feed that. If you search, (I will if I have time) there is a poll or two on what we fish are fish and how often.
What flake food are you feeding? are you sure it's for saltwater fish?
Weclome to sfw.com, you will learn tons of good information on how to care for your tanks if you hang around here.
Since you're new I'm going to ask a few basic questions. When did you set up your tank? how long before you added fish? how far apart did you add them? what are your levels? when did you add the inverts? (none of this matter as to what you feed them, but it gives us idea about your tank and set-up, helps to forsee some possible problems also).
welcome and enjoy
I set my tank up about 10 weeks ago. I added sugar sand and live sand, 20 lbs of rock and 25lbs of live rock, and topped the tank off with sea water from the LFS. It cycled for about 6 weeks. At that time I added four snails and two hermit crabs. A week later I added two fiddler crabs. A week after that I added a 1.5 inch clown and a 1 inch green chromis. A week later I added a lawnmower blenny. A week after that I added a sea hare and have had the tank like that for about two weeks.
My ammonia is at 0, nitrite is 0, nitrate is low, pH is about 8.2, salinity was 1.025 today, and buffering is good.
Would love to have anyones input.


hmmm i dont have any experiance in this but imho u should take back the lawnmower blenny. they are from the dragonette family and almost only eat pods. u need ur live rock in there for at least 6 months to get a good enough pod population to sustain it. probably even longer with only 25 lbs of lr. i dont know what the sea hare is tho. is it a rabbitfish?? cuz if it is its a way too big fish for a 29 gallon. this is all imho. plz correct me if i am wrong i dont wanna give any bad advise. hth
well as far as the lawnmower blenny goes i dont think they eat pods they mostly eat algae as their name implies they have the ability to MOW down hair algae and other kinds but as far as your tank having sufficient amounts of algae thats only something you would now also the sea hare you might want to take back they get rather large and also can release ink into the water when threatened