What to feed peppermints and cleaner shrimp


I have 3 peppermint shrimp and will be buying 2 scarlet cleaners. I know that these shrimp are carnivores, so what type of food should I give them??? If dropping pellets, what kind???


Originally Posted by alyssia
Mine love it when I squirt some mysis their way.
Thanks, but what about for the peppermints, who I never see.....pellets???


i need to know too lol. i feed my fish formula one pellets that are presoaked in garlic. 2 days ago when i dropped them in the peppermint immediatly jumped on a pellet that hit the bottom and took it to his cave. he hasn't done it again though.


Originally Posted by surferb
i need to know too lol. i feed my fish formula one pellets that are presoaked in garlic. 2 days ago when i dropped them in the peppermint immediatly jumped on a pellet that hit the bottom and took it to his cave. he hasn't done it again though.
Speaking of garlic, I was wondering..... Once u dip the food in garlic and the fish take too it, will they then still eat the food w/out the garlic???


They are both fairly oportunistic and will feed on whats available. I have never specifically fed either Peps or cleaners. Although I do give them a piece of food when i feed my coral. It helps keep them from stealing the coral's food. Hope this helps...


Active Member
Originally Posted by drewdog82
Speaking of garlic, I was wondering..... Once u dip the food in garlic and the fish take too it, will they then still eat the food w/out the garlic???

Mine do.


Active Member
Originally Posted by UKCATS
They are both fairly oportunistic and will feed on whats available. I have never specifically fed either Peps or cleaners. Although I do give them a piece of food when i feed my coral. It helps keep them from stealing the coral's food. Hope this helps...

I have also heard that cleaners won't clean fish if they get alot of food.

kat 4

I think this is funny but my cleaner and peppermint & coral banded shrimp all love Shrimp Pellets!! They grab 'em and wolf em down!! Nothing like eating yourself...


Originally Posted by alyssia
I have also heard that cleaners won't clean fish if they get alot of food.
That makes sense... Although mine have never cleaned my fish anyway??? Hmmm... :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by UKCATS
That makes sense... Although mine have never cleaned my fish anyway??? Hmmm... :thinking:

My cleaners don't cleaner either. My neon goby is always on a fish though.


Active Member
As far as feeding your shrimp, get them use to getting their pellets in one area of the tank. When I feed the fish my scarlet shrimp go running to their spot for a pellet. They are fed at night just about every day, and they still clean my fish. The fish line up for their cleaning. Pretty funny actually. I think it depends on how large the fish are. My small clown doesn't even seem to be interested in getting cleaned.
Be careful about adding any new shrimp. The existing shrimp may not take to the new comers with open arms especially since they are another species. Especially if they have been in the tank for awhile. My scarlets harrassed a cleaner shrimp so much it eventually died.


Active Member
I don't have to feed mine because they eat just as much food as the fishies. They jump and glide in the water when I feed and they seem to do a good job. I will occassionaly give them some food from the squirter when I am feeding corals and they willsnatch it up fast. Also, I add cyclopeeze powder 2 times a week and they seem to really enjoy it.

sea slug

I have:
3 peps
3 camelbacks
1 scarlet skunk
2 fire shrimp
I dont feed them at all I make them forage for food
and about the subject of cleaning fish, all of my shrimp (except the camels) will clean fish


Active Member
I have a fire shrimp and a skunk cleaner. both eat flakes and pellets when i am feeding my fish they also go after any frozen food I put in there. my cleaner still cleans my tang. especially right after he ate (the tang that is) he like stealing the food out of his mouth really funny during feeding time.

yukon tang

New Member
I found that when i put my gloves on to hand feed,they come running right out.now if i'm in the tank for something else,they run all over the glove to find food. i feed them mysis,squid...whatever meaty food i have for the fish.