What to get for my 1 GAL.


New Member
Yes you read it right! I have a 1 gallon on my desktop. Currently it is just a invert tank. I have 2 sexy shrimp and a anemone crab(very interesting). It has a pretty good Led light (daylight and moon mode) the light is off the Aqueon Evolve 4. The tank is well established about 2 inches of sand and a 2lb rock.
Shoot out some ideas of what else I can put in there. I would like some type of low maintenance coral or some tiny fish that wont eat the anemone shrimp. An anemone would be nice but I don't know if it is enough lighting even though the tank is VERY shallow.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by wonderd44 http:///t/396078/what-to-get-for-my-1-gal#post_3528259
Yes you read it right! I have a 1 gallon on my desktop. Currently it is just a invert tank. I have 2 sexy shrimp and a anemone crab(very interesting). It has a pretty good Led light (daylight and moon mode) the light is off the Aqueon Evolve 4. The tank is well established about 2 inches of sand and a 2lb rock.
Shoot out some ideas of what else I can put in there. I would like some type of low maintenance coral or some tiny fish that wont eat the anemone shrimp. An anemone would be nice but I don't know if it is enough lighting even though the tank is VERY shallow.
Welcome to the site...1g??? You were maxed out with a piece of rock (live rock has little critters in it, I'm not being mean). You can't put anything else in that, and to be honest it's already overstocked. Did you even let it cycle?


New Member
yea it has cycled for a couple months. also the sand, water and rock came from an established 30 gallon.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by wonderd44 http:///t/396078/what-to-get-for-my-1-gal#post_3528309
yea it has cycled for a couple months. also the sand, water and rock came from an established 30 gallon.
I woke up this morning with an idea...macroalgae!
A 1g tank is so small and sooo unstable, but a nice piece of macro would add color, and help to keep the tanks water pristine. As for a fish...even the tiny neon goby needs a 10g tank.
You could remove the crab and shrimp and change to dwarf seahorses. You could keep 4 of those in a 1g tank...the only draw back is that they only eat newly hatched baby brine shrimp. So you would have to have some kind of breeding set up different then the little tank.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/396078/what-to-get-for-my-1-gal#post_3528334
I woke up this morning with an idea...macroalgae!
A 1g tank is so small and sooo unstable, but a nice piece of macro would add color, and help to keep the tanks water pristine. As for a fish...even the tiny neon goby needs a 10g tank.
You could remove the crab and shrimp and change to dwarf seahorses. You could keep 4 of those in a 1g tank...the only draw back is that they only eat newly hatched baby brine shrimp. So you would have to have some kind of breeding set up different then the little tank.
You just might be surprised how stable and easy to maintain the jar will be with macros.
(FWIW I trying the same thing-------sometime. LOL)
my .02


Well-Known Member
oh yea.
Sea horses could be hard to feed as they need lotsa slow moving food of the correct size to stay healthy.
almost a continuous supply from what I hear.
but then I have never had sea horses so I would ask some other real experts.
my .02


Zots (H. zosterae AKA dwarf SH) can be a bit difficult unless you raise pods or want to hatch out Artemia daily. Another issue with them is that many peeps who keep them do so in "sterile" setups, or at least begin the tank as sterile and go from there, taking care not to contaminate the water with even a drop from another setup. The reason for this is because since they require lots of small live food, you don't want to risk having a hydroid bloom, as 'droids can kill even adult zots.
You'll also want to keep the temp as stable as possible, preferably no warmer than 75*F to avoid bacterial infections.
In a nutshell, keeping zots is like having SH fry 365 days a year...you kinda have to WANT to keep them.
Just weighing in on the SH thing...


New Member
yea Im not going to get get into the seahorse thing. Im not sure what else im going to put in there. I had a clown for some time but transferred him to my 30 gal


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by saxman http:///t/396078/what-to-get-for-my-1-gal#post_3528369
Zots (H. zosterae AKA dwarf SH) can be a bit difficult unless you raise pods or want to hatch out Artemia daily. Another issue with them is that many peeps who keep them do so in "sterile" setups, or at least begin the tank as sterile and go from there, taking care not to contaminate the water with even a drop from another setup. The reason for this is because since they require lots of small live food, you don't want to risk having a hydroid bloom, as 'droids can kill even adult zots.
You'll also want to keep the temp as stable as possible, preferably no warmer than 75*F to avoid bacterial infections.
In a nutshell, keeping zots is like having SH fry 365 days a year...you kinda have to WANT to keep them.
Just weighing in on the SH thing...
LOL...I seriously doubt the OP wants a seahorse. Mostly I was making a comment on his tiny little 1g tank. He has a shrimp, a crab, and a piece of live rock, and asking about a fish. I say he is maxed out already...then I kind of mentioned the tiny dwarf seahorses...but it was just that, a mention. The piece of macroalgae however would help a great deal to keep it going.


You know me and live macro...win-win as far as I'm concerned!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by wonderd44 http:///t/396078/what-to-get-for-my-1-gal#post_3528370
yea Im not going to get get into the seahorse thing. Im not sure what else im going to put in there. I had a clown for some time but transferred him to my 30 gal
The tiniest fish I know of is the neon or clown goby...but both need at least a 10g tank. However, the crab and the shrimp are also recommended to be in 10g tanks. SW just isn't geared for 1g. A clown fish is supposed to be in at least a 20g tank, I'm glad you moved it to a 30g. The smaller the tank the harder it is to keep alive.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by saxman http:///t/396078/what-to-get-for-my-1-gal#post_3528492
My limit was 3 gals...but it DID have a tiny juvie angler in it for awhile.
LOL...a FW Beta is the only fish I would put in a 1g tank, or should I say fishbowl...
I'm just not that brave...The smallest SW tank I ever had was a 30g, but I also had a 30g sump on it, so I kind of cheated on the amount of water volume. I replaced that tank with a 56g and used a 20g for the sump.


Just remember just because you can doesn't mean you should. What changes for pico tanks take dedication, and I salute you if you are going to be that dedicated to your tank. Then again looking at this video, I know that these are just guppy fry and that they will be removed, but there is defiantly a line between too small and WTF! SMALL!


New Member
I think that is what im going to get next....I did see a REALLY small goby at my lfs today it was reddish with black lines on his face, forgot what it was called.