What to get???

jet doc

New Member
Alright guy's and gal's looking to start a nano reef, but starting to read all the posts here and I still have allot of questions? Like 29 or 12 ? PC or MH? Chiller or no chiller? Soft coral or hard? And what brand gives me everything in a kit without having to upgrade everything? Eventually starting up my 220 reef again. So all I'm trying do is get fire going again! I always saw these tanks but never figured they would be easy to control? But now I see so many different manufacture's selling them that I can't resist!


Everything pretty much depends on what youre putting in it.
At least as far as size, and lights.
and obvi. the lights for a nano arent going to work for a 220g.
youre going to have to upgrade. pretty much everything.

jet doc

New Member
Looking to put anenmone xenia froqspawn not much. Most of the guys on here seem to upgrade lighting? If I start with MH were do upgrade from there? Also it seems like there are kits out there that appear to be good as is ? Trying to do this on a budget not break the bank! Need to save for the 220 setup!


Active Member
You can check the manufacturer's websites to see if they come with upgraded parts. I know the Aquapod has a variant that comes with MH lighting.
The stock PC lighting is good enough for some small corals, mushrooms, zoos/palys. MH lighting for everything else. Anemones are going to need MH lighting. With MH, you can do anything, SPS, clams, anything.
The MH lights produce a ton of heat, so you may need a chiller to keep the temperature at hospitable levels. Some people dont need a chiller, some do. You can buy nano chillers. If youre going to get MHs, have some money set aside if the chiller would be needed.