what to get?


I have a 20gl fowlr. It has been running over a month now. It only took under 3 weeks to cycle. The water levels are very good. I am currently stocking 2 small spotted puffers, 1sleeper goby, and 7 turbo snails. Every one is health. The Puffers are very agressive and are snipping at the snails. No surprise that is what they do. But I would like to get some shrimp and maybe a crab, and they will not mix. My LFS says they will buy them back for the more then I bought them since they have 2x thier sizes. The goby is staying My is what else should i get that are fairly non-aggressive to be with Inverts. Most of my research has been on puffers and triggers so not to sure what to get. Thinking of a clown and a blenny or two clowns. any ideas?


Taking the puffers back is a good idea. I would look at ading a pair of clowns. Perculas are fun to watch and are interesting. Blenny's can become aggressive so I would not recommend them in that size tank. Another choice would be a bengaii cardinal.


That was what I am leaning to. But I am wondering if they will do fine without an anenome. With probably add one in about 3months or so After I do a lighting upgrade and have alittle mre experience. So far the peaple I have asked said that they should do just fine


Clowns do not need anemones. Most people recommend not even trying to keep them. Very few have success at keeping them for more than a year or two. These are one of the creatures that are best left in the sea. I personally do have one that hitchikes in on some LR, and none of my clowns even pay any attention to it.