I have a 20gl fowlr. It has been running over a month now. It only took under 3 weeks to cycle. The water levels are very good. I am currently stocking 2 small spotted puffers, 1sleeper goby, and 7 turbo snails. Every one is health. The Puffers are very agressive and are snipping at the snails. No surprise that is what they do. But I would like to get some shrimp and maybe a crab, and they will not mix. My LFS says they will buy them back for the more then I bought them since they have 2x thier sizes. The goby is staying My is what else should i get that are fairly non-aggressive to be with Inverts. Most of my research has been on puffers and triggers so not to sure what to get. Thinking of a clown and a blenny or two clowns. any ideas?