What to get?


Active Member
Is it too early to get a piece of bubble coral and birds nest coral for my tank? It has just finished the inital cycle and tomorrow I will be getting the first part of my CUC, some shrimp and snails. There arnt any fish in the tank to disturb them and I have been reasured that the lighting i have will work for these 2. Opinions?


Active Member
I personally would hold off on the bubble coral and bird's nest. I was not able to keep bird's nest alive in the beginning due to their delicate nature. Now, the bubble coral is easier to care for. However, I would wait on this one until after the first fish. This way you will be able to increase the bioload that your tank can handle by adding the CUC and fish first. Corals have a smaller bioload than fish. When I set up my tank, I added a CUC then fish then coral. In my mind, it was easier to deal with the loss of fish than coral since my fish were cheaper. This is just my rationale and it worked for me since I did not lose anything when I set up the tank.


Active Member
Valid points. I am just kinda tired of looking at the rocks and wanted something pretty to go in there with the critters tomorrow. Ah well carp. Maybe I will stick some in around thanksgiving or somethin.


You will have some pretty sanils and shrimp.....Just remember that shrimp are very sensitive to water changes


Active Member
I wasnt planning on doing a water change for a while, like mid next week or so, and even then, I was only going to do about 5 gallons.


I would hold off on a bubble coral and a birdsnest until the tank is more mature and stable.
Go with some polyps and zoanthids first.


xenia was my first coral.
now I have a load of them. not to mention they like a tank with some nitrates in it that your tank may have since its pretty new. Also doesnt require a ton of light.
what lights are you running?


Active Member
My first corals were Dragon Eye Zoas and they are doing fine under my WavePoint 24" T5 HO 4-Lamp Aquarium Retrofit Kit lights. the whites are 12k. In about 6 months I will be replacing them with some geismann lights. I think my next coral purchase will be of some Xenia. I just dont know where to get it from. The LFS has some obviously, but there is a local message board for me that has a want/sale section and I am sure I can find a frag of xenia on there cheaper than in the LFS.
At some point, we will be getting the white/pink bubble coral as well as the green birds nest. I would imagine my tank should be ready for them come new years or a little bit after that.


Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/380823/what-to-get#post_3320621
My first corals were Dragon Eye Zoas and they are doing fine under my WavePoint 24" T5 HO 4-Lamp Aquarium Retrofit Kit lights. the whites are 12k. In about 6 months I will be replacing them with some geismann lights. I think my next coral purchase will be of some Xenia. I just dont know where to get it from. The LFS has some obviously, but there is a local message board for me that has a want/sale section and I am sure I can find a frag of xenia on there cheaper than in the LFS.
At some point, we will be getting the white/pink bubble coral as well as the green birds nest. I would imagine my tank should be ready for them come new years or a little bit after that.
Most people give away Xenia because it is evasive and needs to be cut back. I don't think I would ever pay for Xenia.


Active Member
I can't keep xenia alive. It either doesn't like my water conditions or a fish is picking at it.


Active Member
I think xenia needs dirty water and I base that on my neighbors old tank that grew xenia faster than anything I have ever seen. He only had current, protein skimmer and never did water changes. The xenia he gave me and my friends always grew well at first but eventually died and our tanks were always cleaner than his. My 2 cents ...


I don't run a skimmer, I have a turf scrubber, n o detectable trates or phos, but I do have a fair amount of stuff just floating around in my tank that corals ear. maybe thats why my xenia love my tank. it's "dirty"