What to pick, Cured vs. Uncured LR


New Member
I was wondering what the advantages/disadvantages are of buying cured LR vs uncured LR. I've seen some sites that swear by the cured version, but that means relatively few hitchhikers (which I'm sure we all love). So what are the opinions out there and why? Thanks for your help. O also a quick definition of the two types would be appreciated.


Active Member
If your buying online get UN-cured. Its cheaper and even if you buy cured live rock off the internet, its not going to be cured when you get it(most likely anyways).
It will have a lot of die off and it just doesnt make sense to buy cured LR on the internet to me.


Active Member
I preferred relatively cured (not like in somebody's tank for a year cured but from fiji then freshly cured at a local retailer). uncured has too much crap on it and most of whats alive isn't going to survive the curing/handling process. Just makes for longer curing time and more prying stuff off the rock. for me the cleaner the better. the hitchhikers will come back in time.


Active Member
If you get rock by mail order, it's most likely going to need curing anyway once it shows up at your door. The advantage is that it's cheaper. If you go to a LFS, most of them don't even sell uncured rock, and their rock is going to usually cost twice as much. Personally, I prefer to by cured rock from a LFS. For one thing, if it's cured, it's ready to go in the tank. For another, you get to hand pick the pieces yourself. Order rock over the Internet and there's no telling what you're going to get.


cured rocks all the way...you get to pick out how they look at LFS...ready to drop in the tank...wait 2 weeks or so or even shorter...check the water...and your set...bad thing is that its more expensive....


I'm by no means an expert, but fully cured live rock is rock that has a nice amount of nitrifying bacteria in it that can participate in biological filtration. It's already completed the nitrogen cycle in the dealer's (or your) tank and there's no more die off (of critters and bacteria) occurring. If you pick up a piece of live rock that's cured, it just smells like sea water. If you pick up uncured live rock that is still in the die off process, it smells really rank, like rotten eggs.


New Member
ok so if I'm getting this right, cured live rock is simply live rock that's been sitting in some LFS or the wholesaler for awhile letting it "mature" a bit. I was kinda under the impression that "cured" meant that once they took it out of the ocean they dried it for a while (say hours at a time maybe a day) and then rinsed and repeated; while uncured meant simply straight from the ocean to the tank (with some middle-men in between obviously). Can anyone give me a better idea???


Active Member
cured/uncured is in refference to the die off that occurs when you pull something out of the ocean that had been covered in living bacteria.
When its out of water it dies, so the uncured has just been plucked in its rawest form, the natural time it takes for the rock to regrow and balance its bacteria hasnt happened yet, (approx 4 weeks)
cured- it has been left in a holding tank for a period long enough for the bacteria to regrow. (4 weeks ect) Its also during this time most hikers jump from the rock
uncured- ripped from the reef and mailed to your doorstep so you will have to repeat the process for growing back the bacteria before putting it in your tank.
no mater hwat you purchase, there will be more die-off during shipping it to you so you will have to re-cure it again. Hope this makes sense. I vote for uncured if you want more hikers to choose from.


New Member
yes, great! I think I get it now, so it's basically just a time difference. Confusing stuff man, I wish this saltwater junk were easier. Even a simple concept like live rock can give one a headache... well I'll do more research but you guys gave me a great start, thanks


If you do want more hitchhikers definatly go for the uncured, i got cured, and got basically no hitchhikers. I kindof wish that i had found this forum before to help me make my decision
but in the end whatever you choose is going to do the job just the same.(just a different ammount of hitchhikers)


I wouldn't be so concerned about getting great hitchhikers (some are not wanted); in my opinion we should be more concerned about limiting the live rock we purchase. Get some cured LR from the LFS, if you can start slowly, and then put in some LR alternatives afterwards (several months later). Your creatures will spread onto the new bare rock, and the coraline algae will start on its own. There's home-made and some other type that is basically made of the same stuff.
The Solomon Islands has a big sale on right now. (just joking) Did you hear about the quake pushing an island and tens of meters of reef up into the air to dry out in the sun?
Anyway, we all know the reefs are hurting, and every little bit helps, right?

mr. green

I have read if you order Fiji live rock on this site, you get it, wash it off with SW, then into the tank with your sand and wait for it all to start up. Is that it in a nut shell?
Also, I cannot beat the LR on this site. I have been in 2 LFS now that wanted $5.99 per pound for Fiji LR that I am assuming is cured due to it being in a big tub w/ a light, heater, and Powerhead.


Active Member

Originally Posted by reefchick15
If you do want more hitchhikers definatly go for the uncured, i got cured, and got basically no hitchhikers. I kindof wish that i had found this forum before to help me make my decision
but in the end whatever you choose is going to do the job just the same.(just a different ammount of hitchhikers)

how long have you had the rock? I guanrantee you in a years time cured or uncured rock will be just the same. what lives and doesn't live is based more on the curing process (how high and long ammonia is allowed to be sustained while curing) and time. But even still over a years time or so things that were there the 1rst three months just arent going to be around and things that were never there are going to be crawling around. you cant always gauge hitchhikers on whats initially obvious. Most stuff on
uncured rock (that makes it look full of life externally) will not make it long term (your tank cant sustain/feed ect alot of that stuff like the ocean) or likely even the curing process. the pods, worms and things crawling around at night and some sponges and external things will come back with time regardless of how scarce the rock looks like initially.
cured rock still have stuff dying well after its cured, it just has had enough die off where the bacteria can now process whats still dying. It takes a good six month or more before stuff actually stops dying. thats mostly the difference between a mature tank and one thats not.


Active Member
I recently bought @ 25lbs of cured LR for my wife's 29G from a local coral farm and have TONS of hitchhikers from his coral grow out tanks on my rock. I have green sponges, pink sponges, various worms, little snails, microstarfish, and...unfortunately, aiptasia.
I think that if you want good cured rock, you have to be willing to do a little bit of driving and research with your LFS. We drove from Canton, OH to Columbus (about 2 hours) to get a second batch of rock from this place as I found that the first 2 pieces that we got for my 55G were great.
For people in Ohio, look for saltwater and coral stores in Ohio (New Albany...near Columbus) through a google search. This place was by far the most informative, reasonably priced, and friendliest place I have ever been to purchase anything for my tanks. It is WELL worth the drive for my wife and I!!!