What to put in with my Huma-Huma Trigger


As usual, more questions from a newbie.
I have finally introduced some real fish to my 55g FOWLR. I got a huma-huma trigger and a yellow tang. However, I have been told recently by a lfs that my trigger will be very aggressive toward any new fish that I introduce to the tank. My original intent was to put a lionfish in there and nothing else. However, I am now considering something more majestic like a queen angel.
I realize that with the size of my tank, I'm limited in what I can include and I only intend to put in about 2 more fish. Does anyone have any thoughts as to what I might consider?
With the huma you kinda limit your self on the type of fish you can add. A 55 is to small for a large angel. If the trigger has not been in there to long , you could try to add one of the smaller groupers like a v-tail or a miniatas maybe a moray of some kind. Lionfish and triggers don't mix well, triggers tend to nip at the fins of lions and stress them out.
The bad thing with huma's is the longer they are in the tank , they get VERY territorial. Adding new fish can be very hard. If you are looking for a more passive tank, the only thing you could do is return the huma. But they are a very nice looking fish in there own right.


Active Member
I'm with Snakes on this. A 55 is not a good long term home but you'll be ok for awhile. I think a moray would be a nice addition to what you have. Only other thought would be a tomato or maroon clown. Get one that's fairly large already and add it before the tang and huma get too set in their ways.
Good Luck!
Large angels are not a good choice for a 55 gal.
With the huma huma you basically have setup and aggressive tank. Maybe a small grouper, small puffer, eel, large clown.
but with the huma and yellow tang already in there, I wouldn't add much more than 1. You have some potentially large fish on your hands that are also messy.
good luck...........MCF