What to put with a Domino Damsel??


New Member
The only fish I have left in my 90 gal tank is a Gragon Goby and a fiesty Domino. Had two, one of them finally died. Is there any fish I can put with this monster that will be able to survive???
Originally Posted by novahobbies
Sure. A Barracuda.
then again, the Damnsel might beat up the 'cuda.

Not far from the truth though. Every damsel I have ever owned has been a mean little SOB.
90galmoneypit - If you want to keep a community tank, you may need to seriously consider removing the damsel. They can be very aggressive and territorial and since he is already established in your tank, he may not take well to new inhabitants.
Here's an easy DIY fish trap that you can make in a couple minutes using a plastic bottle. I've used this trap several times with great results. It usually takes 3-4 days, but can take longer.
Take a clear plastic bottle and remove the cap and label. Cut off the top part just below where the bottle becomes cylindrical, turn this top part upside down and push it into the bottle until it wedges in. Put some food in the trap and place in your tank. (See diagram below. Just ignore the cap... I couldn't find a picture of a bottle without a cap on it. )


Active Member
Pretty fish... but I hate them. The yellow tails are pretty mellow -- along with the chromis. What to put with him? Really hard to say -- all depends on what he may or may not tolerate but I would personally try and bring it back to the LFS if you want other fish.


I have a 4 stripe that I have had for 3 years and he is maybe the most docile fish in my tank. Hides alot and gets bullied by dwarf angels. In your 90g I think you should be alright with any semiaggressive type addition especially if you have some decent hiding spots.


Active Member
I see you are new here. Welcome to the Forums.....
you will have lots of posts to read here and the people here are very helpful too.
Since you just have the two and your tank is a nice size whey not get rid of the damsel you can restock it with some nice fish??


Active Member
well its the reef section so it might not be the best idea but I have never had a problem putting dwarf angels in after damsels. bristle tooth tangs are probably big enough to keep them honest. I've put larger lawnmower blennies after damsels and never had a problem. larger specimens of halichoeres family of wrasses will keep them at bay. I really havent found damsels at normal store size (1") to be beligerant against significantly larger semi aggressive fish. just get semi aggressive fish twice or three times the size. IF you have one of those supersized 3" domino's forget about it (but you have a goby so I doubt he's big).