What to replace my valentini puffer with?

belly up

i have a 30 gallon tank with a valentini in it i am getting rid of the valentini pretty soon and i was trying to think of what to replace him with? i also have a sixline wrasse in the tank with about 30 pounds of lr. i want something that is fun to wtch and is colorful but any suggestions would be apreciated.


A pair of black and white clowns would be cool. A coral beauty, pygmy cherub, or eibli angel could work in a 30 gallon.
Out of curiousity, why are you taking the puffer out?

belly up

ok ill consider the angel. were im at i rarely see black and white clowns and when i do see them they are really expensive like 75$ a piece. any other sugestions? and i am taking the puffer out because i want to have more inverts but its just not possible with him in there. and he is picking on my sixline.


Active Member
Black and white percs are awesome! 75$ is probably for a pair because they usually sell like that or 20-40$ a piece. They are one cool looking fish and they are small so it wont take up all the space in the tank. If you decide a small angel then I like lemonpeels, they look cool.

belly up

i guess it could be for a pair im not sure.next time i see some ill ask it might be a while though. but anyways are there anymore suggetions.

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by belly up
ok ill consider the angel. were im at i rarely see black and white clowns and when i do see them they are really expensive like 75$ a piece. any other sugestions? and i am taking the puffer out because i want to have more inverts but its just not possible with him in there. and he is picking on my sixline.
30 isn't big enough for an angel, they need more liverock, i'd suggest a pair of perc clowns and a royal gramma.


Blennies are full of personality. Our Bicolor Blenny is one of my favorite fish we have.

belly up

i was really thinking about getting an occelaris clown or maybe a pair of them.
i have to say no to the royal gramma though i just dont like them. but thanks for all the suggestions.

belly up

well i figured it out. i got an occelaris clown to replace him and i love the little guy. i have one question though if i added another clown do you think they would pair up?