What to start with in new tank for cleaners


90 gl. 120 live rock, 100 lb. live sand, 360 Marineland cannister and AquaC Protein Skimmer, with 2 Koralina powerheads, plenty of movment in tank. probably within one week of cycling. Getting close. I was reading that I needed to start with a cleaner crew, what would you suggest and where can I get this crew. Salt is new to me and I am learning so much from this forum. Thanks Guys


get it right here on this site under reef packages or customize your own. some of us feel you should go with snails or hermits but not both. if i could go back in time i would buy snails and no hermits. i would use shrimp and starfish to do the job of hermits.
Originally Posted by revrick3
90 gl. 120 live rock, 100 lb. live sand, 360 Marineland cannister and AquaC Protein Skimmer, with 2 Koralina powerheads, plenty of movment in tank. probably within one week of cycling. Getting close. I was reading that I needed to start with a cleaner crew, what would you suggest and where can I get this crew. Salt is new to me and I am learning so much from this forum. Thanks Guys


Active Member
Dont get the clean up crew until the cycle is complety finsihed.
And I get SNAILS. Maybe 2 or 3 small hermits, but I dont have any


Thanks, I understand need to finish cycle completly. What I was wondering was what type of cleaners and how many of each for my size tank. What will go well with a fish and live rock set up? Thanks


Active Member
i have a 90g aswell..i only have 3 turbo snails..and 3 emarald crabs. they get the job done...i don't like hermits...murdererss!!!!


Thanks guys, several of the site packages show dozens of different snails, crabs, shrimp, etc. You only use the 2 types? Do they keep it all clean


Active Member
Originally Posted by Floridacatfish
What don't you like about hermits? I'm looking to get a CUC in a few weeks.
hermit crabs are known predators of snails. they will kill your snails out of instinct.


Active Member
Originally Posted by revrick3
Thanks guys, several of the site packages show dozens of different snails, crabs, shrimp, etc. You only use the 2 types? Do they keep it all clean
yeah they keep my tank clean..but u can also try nausserius snails(might of spelled it wrong)they can help in keepin ur sand shifted..i have a goby and pistol shrimp for that..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_X
hermit crabs are known predators of snails. they will kill your snails out of instinct.
I think the huge, expensive CUC is a great invention of some marketing dept. Outside of being cute (and feeding to triggers & puffers), I see to useful purpose for hermit crabs.