What to test and Add

My 55 gal. uniquarium is currently cycling for a week now. What do I need to test adide from Ammonia, Nitrate Alk & Nitrite? What other additives/chemicals do I need to add? I'm planning to have a reef tank. I've got the following:
Live sand and Live rocks
Old water (10gal.) from my old tank
1 perky and a 3 stipe damsel
wet and dry filtration at the back of the uniquarium
some inverts


Adding to your list and the bare minimum would be PH, calcium, salinity, and magnesium. Be sure they are good test kits like the salifert brand. Also, don't add anything unless you're testing for it. Regular water changes will replentish most everything, especially the trace minerals.


you might want to test phosphates too. If you start having algae problems, this test will help you out a lot.
Right now, my tank is having brown algae on the sand bed..is this normal when cycling? The tank is a week old with LS and some old water...Do I need to change 10% of the water? I see bubbles going up to the surface then bits of sand going down to the bottom...is this healthy? What should I do? I've got some inverts , around 8 small ones? should I put some more?:help: