what to use for top off?


i have 2 - 5 gallon jugs of saltwater left over.. i think i should avoid using that for top off to my new tank because i am worried about salinity. I heard regular drinking water is ok for top off,is that true? is it safe to use tap water, if not can it be safe to use tap water by adding solution to it?


In regards to the tap water, you never know whats in it, sure some use it, and even get away with it, but most likley you will be adding nitrates to your tank in doing so, that and other heavy metals or other dissolved organics as well as chlorine and chloramine and using an additive is money that could be used purchasing good RO or RO/DI water instead.
That said I would try to find a Water store or place that sells RO/DI or distilled water for your top offs, this is something you just will not regret. That or purchasing an RO unit and making your own water.
Avoid water that says Mountain or Spring water as you can never be really sure how they process it.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by roggy23
i have 2 - 5 gallon jugs of saltwater left over.. i think i should avoid using that for top off to my new tank because i am worried about salinity. I heard regular drinking water is ok for top off,is that true? is it safe to use tap water, if not can it be safe to use tap water by adding solution to it?

Tap water v ro/di is one of the most popular debates on this board. My position based upon maintaining salt and fresh tank since the lat 70's is that any water fit for human consumption is fine for aquariums. Further that the buffering and trace elements in tap water is extremely benificial for salt tanks.
short answer. tap.


IMO we make a major investment in our tanks with fish corals inverts etc. Why not make the small investment of a decent RO/DI unit. If you shop around they are relatively inexpensive. It was one of my first initial investments when I started this hobby. I truly believe it has saved me from major headaches. I have not had any major algae blooms. My nitrates and phosphates stay consistently at 0 with reg water changes. I have a small set up in my basement and I drip the RO/DI water into a empty poland spring bottle and I use that for top offs. I drip into a 20 gallon storage container with a pump for aging saltwater. IMO there really is no debate. RO/DI is the only way to go.


RO/DI all the way. Used tap when my RO broke a while back and regretted not immideatley replacing it with a new one. Fought a new algae outbreak for three months in a 1.5 year old tank...
RO/DI all the way. Expensive at first but well worth it in the long run. Don't skimp on the cost when it comes to this... it is actually the cheapest thing you can buy for your tank (if you take into account short and long term costs)!


Just as an add to this thread...
I was NEVER able to get rid of brown diatoms till I started using RO/DI. Even after tank was set up for over 2 years, I still had diatoms. Now they are all gone!!!



Originally posted by SeaSlugs
I use an RO system and pre-mix that with the ocean water. I check the specific gravity (and check tempertaure) before putting it in the tank.

How can you dillute sea water with RO and keep your salinty up?


I have used tap water for a while, granted we have well water, but i have never experienced any problems. I've even had my tap water tested..........when you all say tap, are you refering to city water?


Yes tap water is usually city water. I lived in a city with very hard water, so we had a softener. The 3 years I lived there I never got rid of diatoms. Then I moved and used tap water to fill my 3 tanks. Again diatoms galore plus I got a bunch of green algae. I have been doing 20% water changes weekly and now after 2 months I am seeing no diatoms in the small tank and almost none in the bigger tanks.
I think alot depends on how much phosphates are in your water? Maybe your well water levels are lower than city water? Do you use a softener or any other kind of filter on it?


We don't use a softener pr anything. Our water is still pretty pure since we liveon the side of a moutnain in Pennsylvania. There a a few people around here that have SW tanks, and we all use well water and only one that i know has had a problem, but that was his fault, he put some additive in his well.