New Member
Hello all,
I'm a freshly registered member, and I'm hoping to get some advice on a reef tank set up. I've got a 70 gallon tall, with about 50 lbs of live rock and about a 1.5-2 inch bed of live sand.
The tank has been cycled for about 4 months now, and continues to have 3 damsels in it. It has a hang on Emperor filter with Power Compact w/ moonlight lighting (not positive on the total wattage...I'm not at home right now). So I realize anemones, hard corals, and clams are out.
But what I really want to know is what should I go with as far as additional filtration in order to support a reef with soft corals, zoos, and mushrooms, along with a handful of fish?
Will a hang-on refugium (it's a glass tank that isn't drilled) alone be enough in addition to the hang-on filter? Or do I need a UV sterilizer and/or protein skimmer as well.
Also, any receommendations on how to stock the refugium?
Thanks in advance for any help/advice!
Hello all,
I'm a freshly registered member, and I'm hoping to get some advice on a reef tank set up. I've got a 70 gallon tall, with about 50 lbs of live rock and about a 1.5-2 inch bed of live sand.
The tank has been cycled for about 4 months now, and continues to have 3 damsels in it. It has a hang on Emperor filter with Power Compact w/ moonlight lighting (not positive on the total wattage...I'm not at home right now). So I realize anemones, hard corals, and clams are out.
But what I really want to know is what should I go with as far as additional filtration in order to support a reef with soft corals, zoos, and mushrooms, along with a handful of fish?
Will a hang-on refugium (it's a glass tank that isn't drilled) alone be enough in addition to the hang-on filter? Or do I need a UV sterilizer and/or protein skimmer as well.
Also, any receommendations on how to stock the refugium?
Thanks in advance for any help/advice!