What to use...Refugium? UV? Skimmer?


New Member
Hello all,
I'm a freshly registered member, and I'm hoping to get some advice on a reef tank set up. I've got a 70 gallon tall, with about 50 lbs of live rock and about a 1.5-2 inch bed of live sand.
The tank has been cycled for about 4 months now, and continues to have 3 damsels in it. It has a hang on Emperor filter with Power Compact w/ moonlight lighting (not positive on the total wattage...I'm not at home right now). So I realize anemones, hard corals, and clams are out.
But what I really want to know is what should I go with as far as additional filtration in order to support a reef with soft corals, zoos, and mushrooms, along with a handful of fish?
Will a hang-on refugium (it's a glass tank that isn't drilled) alone be enough in addition to the hang-on filter? Or do I need a UV sterilizer and/or protein skimmer as well.
Also, any receommendations on how to stock the refugium?
Thanks in advance for any help/advice!


Active Member
I would say that the Skimmer and refugium would be the two most important things to add. The hang on refugiums are nice, but they are too small to have any real benefits. A protein skimmer is for the most part a must. Try to stay away from hang on skimmers. You could set up a seperate sump that holds your skimmer and doubles as a refugium.
Welcome to the board...


First off...Welcome to the Board.
Secondly, it's finally good to see someone who has done some research before diving in. My first step would be to change the filtration. I've had Emperors in the past and while they are ok filters...you could have better. You might want to look into some Wet/Dry's that go under your tank (in the cabinet) which have an area where a skimmer can go. You don't need to have a drilled tank, but can have hang-on overflow boxes instead. You could also work out the plumbing and place a refugium underneath next to the sump...if you have enough room. I might also add some more live rock. I'd probably have at least 80lbs in a 70gallon. But that's just my opinion. Good luck with everything! :)


New Member
Thanks for the help guys! How about "what" I should put in the refugium...i.e. the best plant/macro algae, etc?


Active Member
Why do you think you can't have anenomes or hard corals. I have a 55 with a Coralife PC. It has two 65 watt 10000K's and two 65 watt actinic's. I have 3 anenomes and one hard coral. All are doing great, and one of my bubble tip's is getting absolutely huge. I'm thinking it might split soon.:D


True, UV sterilizers do kill beneficial as well as harmful bacteria. But if you're doing a fish only (which you're not), it can be useful in preventing diseases and such. As for the macros...here is some advice from Kip:
"all caulerpas can go sexual... when this happens their spores are released into the tank and all of the NO3 and PO4, etc that they have been absorbing in released into the tank too... This is not good.
also caulerpa have toxins called caulerpins which have been studied and found to have coral growth inhibitors in them.. much the same way PO4 is a growth inhibitor in CaCO3 building corals.
chaetomorpha is the safest known macro to use because it doesnt release caulerpins and there is little risk of it re-releasing mal-nutrients back into the water.
in my experience... chaeto does seem to like a little more light than caulerpa... and does seem to like a dark period (most caulerpa fuges are lit 24 hrs a day)..."
Hope this helps! :)