what to +


Hi I came back from vacation last week and i had found that my royal gramma is nowhere to be found so i suspect he is dead. I would now have a small stunted yellow tang, firefish, sixline wrasse and a cleaner shrimp. I would to know what i might be able to add to the aquarium. I have a 55 fowlr with 40-50 lbs and cc. I would really like to get more than one fish maybe a little shoul or school( i don't rember how to spell it). I am afraid that would be pushing it. If you anymore info on the tank just ask.


What do you have as a cleanup crew. you can try another type of basslet. Or maybe a flame wrasse. Not sure if you have the room but how about soemtype of dwarf or pygmy angel. You can go with a couple chromis. They are a schooling fish and are very gentle.


Active Member
Well IMO if your royal gramma is dead I wouldn't put in anymore fish until you find out "why" the gramma died. Did you check around the outside of your tank to make sure he didn't go carpet surfing? And if he did die in your tank and you don't have a clean up crew then you would probably see a rise in ammonia, so I would either check around for the fish or get a clean up crew (if you don't already have one) to take care of it for you, but don't add any more fish for a while to make sure your other fish are alright.


All those fish are a lot for that tank. I would not recommend putting a school of anything in there. It would be way to much. As for one fish...The whole world loves a clown. Go for an ocsellaris or a percula. 2 of the best fish there are and they have some personality to them. You could also get another shrimp and some turbo snails.


Hey guys thanks for the opinions and I will answer some questions. I do have a clean up crew so the gramma would be eaten. I have also checked every where out side the aquarium no where to be found. When i had the gramma he always came out when I fed them but i haven't seen him once and i feed them 3 times a day. All of the fish are fully grown with the tang being the biggest at 3-4 inches. Any more opinions or questions would be appreciated.

sinner's girl

clowns are great, but the tang may pick on it since the tang was there first....but you know your fish...the tang i had didn't pick on anyone (the clown picked on it)...you could try moving lr around so the fish all have to find new places to hang out when/if you add another fish.
do you know why the fish died? what are your levels at? make sure nothing is wrong with the water before adding another fish...