What type Anemone


I have 2 maroon clowns and they are in my Flower pot coral all the time. I think there going to kill it. Every time it starts to open they go in it and wiggle around till it closes up again. I need to get them an anemone. I want one that won' t wander around, if that is possible. And something with color. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.


Active Member
Yes im not sure about which anenome but they will kill it by it not being encouraged to come out, they sent off two flower pots with me until i figured it out!:(


Active Member
here's some info, this was just cut and copied, I dont know much about these types, as to wondering and color, but its a starting point........HTH
Maroon Clown:
Premnas biaculatus Ritteri (Maroon) anemone
Bubble anemone
Long Tentacle anemone
Also, not all clowns will take to an anemone right off or at times never.


I hear that bubble tips and long tentacles are great. But just because they have a new anenome doesn't mean they will leave their current home.


My Maroon clown loves my Rose BTA. It's dark red and they look great together. The rose doesn't move much. In fact, it's been in the same place for at least 4 months, since the last time it split. Only problem is that these are kind of expensive, at least in my area they are. I trade babies off to a LFS for $75 and she sells them for over $100. I've seen them in area stores for $200, even.


I had to move the flower pot last night, it has not opened fully in 2 days. The clowns don't go to that end of the tank. I hope it stays that way. I am going anemone shopping today and hope they like it.


New Member
I have a green bta and my pair of maroon clowns took to it right away and rarely venture far from it.
I also have a smaller brown bta and they do also go into that one.
BTA's usually work the best for the maroons.
Good luck finding a new home for the clowns.:D


I got a Green tip BTA. It took around 3 days and the smaller clown has found a new home. The larger ons is still eyeballing the Flower pot at the other end of the tank. I guess I'll have to leave it there. At leat 1 seems to be real happy.