What type of clown for bubble tip anenome?


I would like to have a bta in my 29gal. I just got it cycled and and still waiting for it to be more established. I would like to put a pair of false percula's with the bta. I know that they dont always take to anenomes. Just want to see what people have had good success with. THanks

mr. tuna

Active Member
maroons, and perculas seem to like
bubble tips. Though sometimes, they for some reason dont accept them. :notsure:


Here are a few that are found in Bubble Tips in the wild...
Clarkii, Two-Banded, Fiji-Blue Stripe, Tomato Clown, Cinnamon Clown, Maroon Clown.
There are others, but I am not sure about their common name and only have their scientific names.

bang guy

The Ocellaris (False Percula) you originally planned will probably find a BTA to be a good host. No guarantee, but probably.