What type of Clown is this?


Active Member
I have always wondered...what kind of clown is that in ZANOSHANOX's avatar?


They're expensive because they're hard to find. My LFS has a pair for $350. I want them but I can't justify spending that much on clowns.


Active Member
Wow, that is steep....did the ones at the LFS look like the one in the avatar or the one posted on SWF?


Active Member
One can support their reefkeeping habit if you could get a mated pair and manage to get them successfully breed...that is for sure.


Originally Posted by maelv
Wow, that is steep....did the ones at the LFS look like the one in the avatar or the one posted on SWF?
The ones my LFs are like the photo with more white, they've had them for a while, don't think many people are ready to fork up that much cash for them, but they are really nice looking. they have em in a cube living in a massive rbta


Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
i would love to try and breed them.
however the initial investment would be rather steep

Yeah......My thoughts exactly.....I am becoming more and more interested!!!!
That could be some good money to take care of my hobby/addiction/habit...all the same....plus a little extra. I don't have anything set up right now, but hopefully in the next couple of months, I will have something up and running....
I asked my wife to hook me up for Christmas with a pair and then the fun begins.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by maelv
Thanks...yeah I see that...$100 for a single picasso perc.....goodness, and the one on this site looks NOTHING like the one pictured above
This is actually called a Snowflake clown. It is different then a picasso. The snowflake can be identified by the white cheeks. My LFS has some of these in his show tank that is hosting a Sunburst anemone and he said he paid $1000 for the pair.
Seriously rare!


Active Member
Thanks ccampbell57. I have been doing a little searching, and the one that I have posted has come out on quite a few different forums as a picasso clown, then I ran into other postings for snowball clowns....I think the snowballs are ugly..here are some pictures. First being a Picasso, and second being a snowball, and you're right the snowball clown is more expensive, but a hell of alot uglier. Both supposedly out of the mad scientist lab at ORA



Is the Picasso the same as the Jigsaw? That's what they were calling them a couple years ago.
I feel sorry for the Snowball, it looks like it has a disease.


Active Member
Yes picassos are the same as jigsaw clowns.
The ones that SWF.com sells labeled as picassos are definitely not Snowflakes. Though they may end up looking similar, they're two different species. Picassos are perculas while snowflakes are ocellaris.
Snowflake clowns are actually not being breed by ORA, but by Tropic Marin (yep the salt brand) Centre in England.


Active Member
Viper, is there a way to find out from SWF, if their Picassos look similar to the ones posted above? The one they have listed doesn't look like anything really special, nor is it as attractive as these....Thanks for the clarification on the snowflakes.


Active Member
Picassos each have unique patterns such as a fingerprint. Some have more white, and some have less, but from what I've seen none of the offspring have as much white as the one in the first pic. That one is the father of ORA's picasso strain.
When SWF.com (or any vendor) orders them from ORA they don't get to pick and choose the pairs that they recieve, so the picassos sold here are just as good as any. I hope that makes sense. Also, the picasso clowns that you posted pics of are older and more mature, therefore having more black. When you buy a new pair they're much younger and usually do not have nearly as much black.


Active Member
Thanks Viper....so as they mature and get older the stripes and colors become more prominant. Sounds good, once again I appreciate the help.