What Type of Fish Do YOU Think Is the Most Entertaining????


Active Member
My big Volitan Lion when he hasn't eaten in a few days. EVERYBODY gets out of his way when he sees me coming. I give him a live goldfish about once a month and dump it in the opposite end of the tank; watching him hunt is nature at its finest and truest! If that bothers anyone; I won't even mention the Betta (or Beta, like they say at *****) my Lion always gets at Christmas--a long family tradition!


Active Member
thats kinda stupid. giving him a betta for christmas? thats not very natural and whatsays a betta is any better then a disease ridden feeder goldfish? no offense but i would never feed a fish goldfish or definatly bettas, it's jut not natural.


Active Member
The most entertaining fish I have ever seen was the Undulated Trigger (named Sumpter...after Fort Sumpter I guess) I "babysat" for a year. He used to pick up any rock small enough for a 7inch trigger to pick up and move them throughout the tank. His favorite pasttime was to move rocks in front of the cave of his only tankmate, a Fimbriated Moray Eel. I think he did this for the sole purpose of aggravating the eel.
Sumpter was also a bit on the aggressive side and killed all four of his initial tank mates in one night (Damsels).
Other than Sumpter, I like all Triggers and Porcupine Puffers (they are like having dogs), this is why I am having trouble ever wanting a reef tank


Active Member
Of the fish I have had, my Kole tang..thats was a goofy character....Now, my Clowns, thats why there called clowns.
In the LFS, I love watching the Rock Mover Wrasse/Dragon Wrasse.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zeke92
thats kinda stupid. giving him a betta for christmas? thats not very natural and whatsays a betta is any better then a disease ridden feeder goldfish? no offense but i would never feed a fish goldfish or definatly bettas, it's jut not natural.
Easy there!! As long as he gives them a quick "dip" there is no problem giving live freshwater fish. If you don't believe me, read Bob Fenners book which says there is very little benefit or harm to this practice. Too each their own.
And FYI, Srfisher is one of the people I have encountered on this site I would seek out for advice on "aggressive" tanks.


My wife loves clownfish the best because of the way they wiggle when they swim and woller around in anemones...
My personal favorite is my Chevron tang... I just like the way he goes around acting all tough with the other fish when he isn't aggressive at all, and plays in the currents of my tunzes... :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by zeke92
thats kinda stupid. giving him a betta for christmas? thats not very natural and whatsays a betta is any better then a disease ridden feeder goldfish? no offense but i would never feed a fish goldfish or definatly bettas, it's jut not natural.
And keeping a marine fish in a tank is natural? BTW, I love Porky puffers too; but have you ever seen what a hungry one will do to a smaller fish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
And keeping a marine fish in a tank is natural? BTW, I love Porky puffers too; but have you ever seen what a hungry one will do to a smaller fish?

Afraid so, I recently gave my fish to a friend as I was moving cross-country. He cycled the tank with Damsels. Edgar the puffer ate all of them (4) in less than 5 minutes, for some reason I didn't expect it as I have never feed him live food, the plan was to move the damsels to the QT tank, but never had a chance...Can't fight instinct I guess...The snowflake eel tried, but the Porky was too quick.
Originally Posted by puffer32
Jawfish. I love how mine is constantly rearranging his rock work and grabbing up hermits, setting them in his wall, and then tries to keep them from walking away. And the way he defends his cave from other fish by opening his mouth real wide like hes gonna eat them. They know he is harmless, they just ignore him.

lol that's exactly what mine does i feel like hes the community service aid watching and protecting lol