what type of glue for flex glass


hi all,
I can sense trouble heading toward me when I am thinking about building a big sump/refuge made of 1/4" flex glass. So, if you know the brand and type of glue and where I can find it that can hold the corners together, please shed me light on this.
Also, do you think 1/4" flex glass would be sturdy enuf to hold water? I am thinking about building a 50g sump (16w/48L/15H).
As usual, thanks a whole bunch.


Active Member
If by flex glass you mean acrylic then no 1/4" will not be sturdy enough for that span and height, I am using 1/4 acrylic in my sump for baffles and I get about 1/2-3/4" of deflection on a 12" span and 15" of height. I found a site that said you could use 1/4" on tanks less than 13" tall but I don't know that I would use it then.


Active Member
Originally Posted by natclanwy
If by flex glass you mean acrylic then no 1/4" will not be sturdy enough for that span and height, I am using 1/4 acrylic in my sump for baffles and I get about 1/2-3/4" of deflection on a 12" span and 15" of height. I found a sight that said you could use 1/4" on tanks less than 13" tall but I don't know that I would use it then.
You'd have to brace the heck out of it to keep deflection under control.
I'd use 3/8 for this minimum.


I went to a hardware store,
I checked out the 1/4 acrylic, yes, it's pretty weak.
I never liked to drill glass. But I guess I have to give it a shot.
thanks for your help.


Active Member
I'd expect in a bigger town like Oklahoma City, you'd find an plastics company that sells acrylic.
You don't want the hardware stuff anyway because it is extruded, which will discolor and swell under continuous exposure to water. You'd be better off with cell cast acrylic.