What type of pump for sump to overflow?

steven's un

What type of pump should I use to pump water back from my filter back into the aquarium through an overflow? Someone on this message board sad that a maxi jet 900 could be used as the water pump, is this true? OPEN TO ANY SUGGESTIONS thanks.......


Active Member
Are you pumping the water back to your tank THROUGH an overflow??? Any pump will work but choosing which one will depend on a couple of things.
1) What is the gph rating of your overflow?
2) How high must the water from you filter(where the pump sits) go before it gets to the top of your tank?
3)Is the filter going to be a fuge or a sump or a wet/dry?
4)What kinda tank(reef, FO) and size of tank?
The answers to these questions will better help us help you.:D


a maxi-jet 900 would NOT be powerful enough for a return pump. Depending how much gph the overflow is and how much feet from the pump too where it come back in the main tank. Mag-drives make good pumps.

steven's un

1) What is the gph rating of your overflow?

2) How high must the water from you filter(where the pump sits) go before it gets to the top of your tank?

3)Is the filter going to be a fuge or a sump or a wet/dry?

4)What kinda tank(reef, FO) and size of tank?
- I have NO idea of the gph of the overflow.......i looked everywhere.....its just an all glass twin flow corner overflow.
-The water would have to travel maybe a foot and a half and then go straight up into the overflow about four feet.
-I want the pump to work for a reef because im going to upgrade and i dont want to have to buy another pump; the tanks a 55gal.


Active Member
The All Glass twin overflow for the 55 has a 1" bulkhead for the drain to sump line.
A 1" drain can safely handle around 600-700 gph no sweat.
I would suppose using a Magdrive 7 by Supreme ( Danner ) would work well for that set up.
That pump would put your around 500 gph at your head pressure, and is a very reliable submersible pump.


Active Member
I think I am understanding you as you want the return pump to send water back through the overflow inyo the tank. Not gonna work. End of PVC pipe off your return will go over the top of your tank and into the water. Overflow is just to get water to the sump/filter. Correct me if I am mistaken but that is how I am understanding it.:D


Active Member
Steven's UN's 55 gallon tank is an All Glass with Twin-Flo overflow/return system.
It's not a traditional external hang on the back U tube designed overflow. It has two drilled holes in the bottom of tank.
One for drain, one for return.
Here's the link - check it out.
Go to aquariums and look at the demonstration of the Twin-Flo
How it works demonstraion is pretty good.
click on me