Doesn't look like serpent star to me. What color is it exactly? It is hard to tell in the pic. I am not the best ID person, but it could be a tamaria species, or fromia species.
It could be a red starfish, or aka red sea star. They can be orange, red, or tan. They have black pores on their surface. It is a fromia species. I am not sure though. Hopefully someone else can chime in...
it's safe....only depending on your tank will depend on how long it lives
stars need very mature tanks....and to tell you the truth, they do not do well i our tanks
how large...and old is yourtank?
Originally Posted by Jlbiggs11http:///t/389715/what-type-of-starfish-and-some-info#post_3446123
Im hoping he will do okay. Mines a 30 gallon. Been up for about 10 months
Unfortunately, the star will not last long in your tank. They won't last long in many tanks. They have specialized dietary needs that simply can't be met in our small systems. I would recommend them in tanks that are at least 200 gallons.
I've seen this star in several different stores in my area... some stores say they are linkias and others say they are formorias. Either way they are reef safe. Good luck though, I purchased one as my first star when my tank was 5 months old and it died in 4 days :*(
But I tried again when my tank was 9 months old and its still alive and kicking (been in the tank for 2 months now and seems to be doing ok).