What Type of Water is Better


Is it best to mix fresh water with salt or use actuall Ocean water that is available from my LFS, and what are the pros and cons to each?


LFS isn't really ocean water. They mix it just like you would except in larger quantaties. If you mix yourself DO NOT use tap water. You need RO/DI water, which until you buy a filter you need to buy at LFS or elsewhere.

bang guy

If clean filtered Sea water is available, reasonably priced, and convenient it's good to use. For most tanks it's just not very convenient to transport it.


The name of the company is The Catalina Water Company. I just called them and they certify that the water comes right out of the pacific ocean.
"100% Real Ocean Saltwater for Home and Commercial Aquarium Applications"
"Catalina Water Company has developed a state-of-the-art filtration system that combines the use of oxygen (O2) converted into ozone (O3) and UV Sterilization. This destroys any bacteria or harmful microorganisms and, when used in conjunction with charcoal and sand, it will remove any heavy metals and toxins. This system eliminates any possibility of contaminants in the water. Our tanks circulate 24 hours a day – 7 days a week. Once the water has passed through our filtration system, we have a highly consistent product that can be used with confidence.
Our saltwater is tested daily to ensure the quality and consistency of our product. We also employ an independent laboratory to conduct periodic analyses of the water and our facility for on-going quality control."
This is from their web site www.catalinawater.com


I only have a 10g tank. The water comes in 5g containers. Two are easy to transport! Thanks for the info.


Active Member
That water has a long trek coming from the Pacific. I would open up a business out there if you are having to ship water clear across the country when you are minutes from the beach.


I have a cousin in the AF. Anyway, yes, they take free water and sell it. How stupid are we? :notsure: Its actually very easy, no mixing, everything is always exact.


Active Member
Good to know about your cousin...I hope he/she likes it. I totally understand about the water thing...if I was closer to an ocean I would probably use water from there as well. A lot cheaper than paying $50 a month for salt!!