U tube is much more reliable IMO. With the CPR style if the air pump fails, you fail to use it (sold seperately even with the knock offs) or it fails to come on/malfunction upon restart (power returning) the siphon will break and just the design of it in general (the size of the passage being continually siphoned) makes it easier to break the siphon. No such issues or additional equipment with a U tube. as long as the actual U tube is long enough (below the drain bulkhead in the back and near the bottom of the overflow box in the tank) it wont break siphon (easier to maintain a siphon thru a 1-1.25" tube than the CPR style maze).
Cons of the U-tube for me is starting the siphon usually ends up with a wet back wall, occasional tank water in my mouth and usually this repeats itself a few times before I am successful. CPR claims theirs flow more water which is believable (and irrelavent) based on the designed (and also the reason the siphon is much easier to break).
Beware of outragous prices! $50 e-gay overflow boxes work just as well as $120 name brand ones. Mine $62 shipped e-gay overflow and included 3ft drain tubing. never breaks siphon and workmanship is perfect. It wasn't a fluke because I have two (one for 30g and one for 100g) and they are identicle.
here's a pic and the line shows where the water drops to when power is shut off. as long as the U tube remains below the water line on both inner and outer boxes the siphon remains intact and functions as normal when power is turned back on. If you dont want to clean algae off it often try to find one with dark colored acrylic instead of clear.