what types of Chemicals evryone is using on There Reefs


I would just like to get some of you inputs on what type of attitives everyone uses on ther coral tanks, ie: Calcium, Magni. and such.
Just Cuious
My DT with Refugium is a total of 280 gallons. I use the following:
Dosing with:
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Strontium
- Pottassium
- Trace Elements
- Zeovit (Coral vitalizer, Amino Acid, Iodide Complex, Potassium Iodide Flouride Concentrate, Coral Snow, Zeo Spur 2, ZeoFood and ZeoBak)
Also using rowas in a fluidizer also carbon in a larger fluidizer
Of course, you need to test if you are going to this extreme. I test all parameters before dosing.


Active Member
Seachem Reef complete
Tech M
Kent super buffer
Coral Amino-Brightwell
Restor liquid coral tissue - Brightwell
Coral forzen food -SFB
Coral Accel-Kent
That about does it


Active Member
as little as possible, and whatever i do, i can test for.
i dose 2-part solution
for calc, alk , and mag.