What u need for a 10 Gallon?


Hi I had a 55 Gallon tank set up for about 3 years but I had to move so I got rid of rock and corals. What is required for a nano tank? Lights and skimmers is what I'm most curious about and how much they run. Any info would be appreciated thanks.


You will need a tank, lighting depends on what types of coral you want to keep, a powerfilter and maybe a small minijet ph and a small heater.
then you will need salt, refractometer, thermometer, tests kits, sand, rock, stand, supplements, foods, etc.
You will probably be lookin at:
so about $50-75 for the setup
Then prob. another $300-400 for lighting and the mentioned supplies


Active Member
I'd second that. The lfs here has some pretty cool mini tank set ups, up to 24 gallon it's has bio filters, lights, everything all in one. The 14 gallon was 170 dollars. I almost took it home, but made myself stop.


So with the Nano tanks do you need the protien skimmers? and what type of lighting would be best? Would MH be ok or will it heat the water to much? and what wattage would be good with a normal 10 gallon? Will PC's be fine? I used a 4X65 setup that I still have for my 55 and I kept all the stuff I really wanted but it would be cool to have the widder range of MH. can you use t5s with nanos? Sorry I know I should look this all up myself but I'm lazy I guess.
I already have a heater, salt, test kits, and the stuff needed for a tank I just don't have smaller equipment like lights, powerheads, skimmer and what not.


correct you do not need a skimmer. you can if you want but, they are big and expensive and most just dont use em. Get a AC110 should do good.
As far as lights i cannot help you. Im doing a 10g right now that i plan on using a PC 40 watt for zoos and similar. Its a single fixture w/ moonlights. Keep it cheap and if you wanted more light you could do the double bulb which would give you 96w or so.
I myself wouldnt do MH because you cant keep clams and anemones, etc. easily in this size tank so it may be an overkill. but like i said im far from a lighting expert


i have a 10 gal tank i use for coral frags. i have a 96W PC and they do great. that puts me with 9W per gallon and thats plenty enough for clams and anemonie' s but the problem is with keeping such a small tank stable enough for them. I would't advise it.


True about the anemone and clams, so yes I guess that MH would be overdoing it. What about T5s? I hear they are better than PC's are there T5 bulbs small/short enough for like a 10-20 gallon? I saw another thread that you can convert an AC 110 to a refugium. Would that be a better filter system than just your regular aqua clear filter? I just want to be prepared before I jump into this and screw up.