What Urchin could I add right after cycle?


Well-Known Member
You should really wait until there is some signs of algae in the tank before adding any kind of clean up crew at all...
It also depends on what type of system you are going for. Some urchins are not reef safe, while others are with caution. Sometimes even reef safe urchins tend to knock over rocks and corals.
So... what are you ultimately going for?


Active Member
An urchin is DEFINITELY not the first thing to go into a tank right after it has cycled. That's more along the lines of snails or hermit crabs. Some people have trouble sustaining enough algae for one in very established systems.


I think I wan't clear not the first thing in the tank more of second thing and that would be the second month of my tank.I was thinking tuxedo or pincusion not for reef.


To answer your question...
For a 30 gal, a pincushion will work best size-wise, but you could keep a tuxedo if you're looking for something a bit more showy. Stay away from Diadema sp. (longspines) as they quickly become 10" balls of spines, and a 30 is way too small for one.
For your consideration:

Even the second month is still REALLY young for a tank. Even tho a tank is CYCLED, it doesn't mean the tank is MATURE. Newly-cycled tanks still have a lot of growing pains to go thru in terms of stability, and echinoderms
in general can be touchy about parametric swings. Additionally, as mentioned, a new setup won't support many vegetarian or omnivore type critters, and they will slowly starve.
Give the tank some time to settle down...if the tank is a month old, I'd give it another 5 months for it to mature. In that time, you can research the urchin(s) you're interested in as well as their specific needs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saxman http:///t/392502/what-urchin-could-i-add-right-after-cycle#post_3485598
For your consideration:

Even the second month is still REALLY young for a tank. Even tho a tank is CYCLED, it doesn't mean the tank is MATURE. Newly-cycled tanks still have a lot of growing pains to go thru in terms of stability, and echinoderms in general can be touchy about parametric swings. Additionally, as mentioned, a new setup won't support many vegetarian or omnivore type critters, and they will slowly starve.
Give the tank some time to settle down...if the tank is a month old, I'd give it another 5 months for it to mature. In that time, you can research the urchin(s) you're interested in as well as their specific needs.
To restate in easier terms lol:
The tank went through being born, its a little baby now.
BUT it still has to go through puberty, which is the hard part, and stuff will get balanced and adjusted out.
Think about it that way


New Member
If you plan on taking the reef path for your tank, the Black Diadema Sea Urchin makes the best choice. The reason being they are not cumbersome so you won't have to worry about it knocking over your corals and rock, that is associated more with the other more destructive urchins.
With inverts that make up a cleaning crew, more importantly, such as Sea Cucumbers, Urchins, snails, Mandarins and Dragonets/Scooter Blennies, patience s a virtue. A mature aquarium will provide the best chance for success with these animals. Algae, pods, plankton and detritus will have a chance to develop which will provide the necessary foods and nutrients for these unique animals.
I would start with Emerald crabs, hermits, Nassirius snails, ornamental shrimp and sea stars( Serpent and Brittle) and then from there you can expand.
Good luck!


I've had a tuxuito urchin in my 40 gallon reef for about a year now and he seems really happy wandering around the tank decorating himself with who-knows-what haha. I don't notice much algae in the tank... but maybe it because of the urchin does such a great job cleaning before its even visible, so just in case I'll feed it some seaweed strips every now and then.
BTW I referred the urchin to "him" because I actually caught it shooting sperm into the water column. I called the LFS saying "Hey, my urchin appears to be smoking." And the reply from the owner of the LFS is "Well, now you know its a boy and you know its happy!" LOL.
Because if this little incident I named my tux "Bob-omb."