What will eat brissel worms?


New Member
I started out with a few brissel worms and now I have hundreds of them and would like to get them under some kind of control. What can I get to eat them? I have a 65 gallon.


i had a bristle worm problem and i got a huge proly 7 in diameter arrow crab and he would pick one once every two days for 3 weeks and picked out i guess everyone of em becuz i havent seen one in months


I used to have tons of bristle worms in my display tank. I put a neon dotty back in my tank and he has all but wiped them out.


I used to have a big problem with them as well. I was told to cut back on my feeding a little. (I guess I was over feeding). That did the trick. I went from having hundreds back down to only a few.