What will grow?


It depends on the rock, lighting and water conditions. I have aquacultured lr so when it came it was full of life to begin with. Just last night when I checked with my flashlight I found about 10 swimming worms going back and forth. All kinds of things are popping up and my sponges, polyps and mushrooms are all coming to life.


Active Member
i got tons of stuff pods, worms (many different types),small sponges, crab, snails, feather dusters, and 3 aptasia (which are gone now). also i have many different macros showing up now halieda, sargassam, grape, fan plant, spindleweed and a couple others


Active Member
the crabs were spotted within weeks, and then removed, they were pest crabs, but we did get them
adn the macro algae was sen in probably about 1 or 2 months after we finished cyclin, the coraline had taken about as long, but spread real slow
the sponges were also noticed with in a couple of months
the other stuff, took much longer(up to 6 months) to start noticing


Yup, that's the fun part!
Take a flashlight at night, a couple of hours after lights out and see what you can find!
I had brittlestars (the kind that feed on plankton in the water), crabs, a very strange swimming worm, another worm that would glow a neon blue, snails, another kind of snail that I have never been able to properly identify........


No.....Just like any other habitat, some critters are out and about during the day, and some do their thing at night. If you only look at the rock during the day, you're missing half the fun!