what will work as a bubble eliminating sponge



is this a special sponge i need to get from my lfs or can i use a sponge that u can buy at a local store and cut it to fit?


Use one the came from the ocean not a plastic plant. Yes you can get them at your local food or hardware store.


Active Member
Is this for use in eliminating bubbles such as from a skimmer etc. If so, and its to be installed on the outflow tube of a skimmer the prefilter sponge filters sold for useon Powerheads adn submersible pumps like the Mag Drives all work fine. I use the sleeves thats used onthe mag drives on all my super skimmers and they work perfect.......I find natural sponge rots quicker than synthetic sponges do. It would be nice to know intended use of said sponge, so a more suitable suggestion may be given.